Hello! It's been a little bit since my recent blog post and a lot has happened in that time.
First off, I completed my newest mixed media piece I simply titled "Lilies #1" because it turns out that I really love drawing lilies, lol. The piece is now available to all non-patrons on my web shop as a print, but the original is also on sale 200$! The piece is 18" by 24" watercolor, colored pencil and ink. Along with "Lilies #1" I've also put a smaller 4.25" by 5.5" original ink and colored pencil piece up for sale, it's another drawing of a lily (I told you I like drawing them, lol), thats currently up in the "Available Originals" section of my web shop. I've also posted the speed paint mega-compilation on my youtube channel
Become a donor at www.patreon.com/samfontainestudios to see the full process.
Other than, "Lilies #1" I've also been slowly making smaller 5" by 7" post cards for sale at affordable prices. Most recently I completed the other lily card design for sale as well. This piece was fun, I went really slowly with the inking and I really like how the lines all turned out! Its easy to sometimes go quickly unintentionally when drawing and it can show in the finished product.

And along with those few new pieces, I decided to experiment with a more abstract style. This piece was made on another 5" by 7" post card, the design was meant to be a little more abstract and fun, I tried to create a cyberpunk cityscape but to simplify the building textures by taking away the finer details and merging the subsets of windows and reflections into single geometric shapes. I will most likely be doing a piece like this again in the future because I really like how it turned out and the way the color scheme feels like its glowing!

Thats all for now! If you got to the end of this post, I thank you!